Managing HMO Finances

COHO screenshot showing Gas Safety Certificate and Energy Performance Certificate stored for a property

Grow your business with confidence

COHO's powerful financial features make managing your HMO property financial tasks easy, giving you the confidence to grow your business.

Tracking money in and out accurately is hard with an HMO portfolio, especially if you are holding client money and charging management fees.

Keep track of your income, expenses, and fees. Easily create client and owner settlement statements and as well as profitability reports across your HMO or mixed portfolio using COHO's property management software.

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COHO screenshot showing financial items including rent and management fees

The full picture of income, expenses & fees

Keeping a complex spreadsheet to track all income and expenses is one solution, but it's easy to get lost in the numbers especially as you grow, when all you really want is a simple way to update the relevant information and produce reports that show what monies need to be paid by who and to who.

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COHO demo screenshot of property ownership settings for a managed property

Property finances based on ownership type

Regardless of how you manage your cash flow COHO works for owned, managed, and master lease (rent to rent) property portfolios.

The system handles income and expenses based on property ownership type:

  • Managed properties & letting agents - set your management fee by property and tell us how you want to handle VAT. We'll seperate the rent received as client money until you settle it.
  • Master lease properties (rent to rent) - create outgoing rent to owners as an expense.
  • Owned properties - receive rent as a direct income and add your mortgage expenses.

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COHO screenshot showing financial items including rent and management fees

Generate owner settlements

Imagine seamless comprehensive end-of-month Settlement Statements for you, suppliers and clients.

Know exactly who to pay and when with all fees and markups considered where applicable.

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COHO demo screenshot of profitability report

Profitability reporting

Having your eye on profitability helps you to make faster and better management decisions for business growth.

COHO helps you generate profitability statements for all property types based on the income and expenses added to the system.

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COHO screenshot of demo organisation

Ready for an instant demo of COHO?

We know that it’s really hard to choose a property management system so we’ve created a fully working but fictional property portfolio complete with rooms, tenants, viewings and maintenance issues as a demonstration of what COHO can do for you.

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